It is important to note that the design and style of a house play a lot in human relationships, because our relationships with others can change depending on whether we have created a friendly atmosphere when we are at home with family or with friends. ; Don’t we say: Show me where you live, and I’ll tell you who you are!
Based on this fact, it then becomes necessary to know how to tidy up your apartment when we receive a woman for the first time, especially in the context of a tryst. How to present the design? how to organize the living room? what to do to create the atmosphere of relaxation in the kitchen and dining room? How to prepare the room, to avoid looking like someone messy? MOBIPIAR gives you some interesting tips so you don’t miss out on your first date.
Prepare the space
The first evening with a woman should be the time to get to know each other better and above all to put the other person at ease, if this is not already the case. Nothing beats humor or gallantry for this, but be careful not to be too heavy or predictable. It would have the opposite effect!

Let natural light into the living room
You have to let outside light into the living room, to avoid having too dark an environment, which you only light with lights: in the evening, you will have a small view of the outside landscape for more life in the decor. Natural light enhances the aperitif or dinner in a living room placed under crawling, and a large canopy table.

Provide a place for interesting books and magazines
Leaving books lying around the apartment is the best solution to embarrassment during a first meeting. However, inspiration could be drawn from the “Concrete flat” design for the covering of the walls using a suspended bookcase which would facilitate the various storage of books and magazines. This will make it possible to avoid clutter, and to improvise quick storage which would disturb conversations and intimacy.

Do not use fluorescent bulbs, only a small indirect light
Warning! It is important not to use fluorescent bulbs during the first date with a woman, because it creates intrigues about the design and the cleanliness of the apartment. It is necessary to create the atmosphere of the world of aphrodite with a small indirect light.

Do not leave video games or magazines on the table
A man’s house is always invaded by video games and magazines all over the living room. But before receiving a woman (especially the first time), it is polite to leave the living room table free of all these objects, in order to put the latter at ease, who will be able to start a chat without feeling locked into a theme that is that of man (example of video games)

Use a little scent
Softening the spirits can be the effect of soft music, but this is also valid with smells. Don’t forget to use a small, not too strong scent, which makes anyone who enters the apartment travel. Before discovering with the eyes, it is easier to discover with the sense of smell.

Do not leave dirty clothes lying around
The biggest problem of tidying up men’s apartments: that which relates to dirty clothes lying around in the bathroom. Do not leave dirty clothes lying around, providing a small laundry basket allocated for this purpose.

Don’t let memories of ex-loves
Frustration very often comes from little things; for this, we must avoid hurting the one we welcome the first time in our apartment by not leaving behind memories of an ex-love, which can be interpreted as rubbish for the attention of our visitor.

Quick kitchen cleaning
It would therefore be necessary to carry out a quick cleaning of the kitchen, before a possible female visit who would easily appreciate that we did not take the trouble to do a little cleaning in our kitchen.

Deep room cleaning
Regarding the kitchen, a quick cleaning will do the trick because it is a place that we use frequently, but we also have to do a deep cleaning of the bedroom, to highlight the design and the harmony that exists between the colors of the sheets, rugs and cushions.